What would you do if your normally G
rated child suddenly let loose with the mother of all curse words?
Yup. You guessed it. My sweet, darling princess just dropped the
f-bomb on us. I hear when most kids first try out cursing they start
with an occasional hell or shit. Not my princess. Nope. Too
mundane and beneath her. She goes straight for the mother of all
curse words.
As parents, we try not to let any
expletives slip in front of the kids. Mostly because it's easier to
ask them not to say them if they aren't hearing them all the time.
So, although I am not perfect, in general, if my kids are hearing
foul language, it's more likely that they heard it from another kid
on the playground or from walking into the room during an
inappropriate movie. Shrug.
It happens. When I was a child of approximately 5, I watched and
thoroughly enjoyed the very R rated “Terminator” and survived.
Generally, I do try to protect their innocence if possible, but even
network television has gotten pretty risque in this day and age. No
matter how hard you try, kids are going to hear and see things that
you'd rather they didn't. I try not to beat myself up about it.
what was my reaction when my 9 year old dashed in and told me that my
6 year old had dropped her little bomb? Well, of course, I was
initially a little surprised. I mean... Where did she hear that
word of all the words? I'm pretty confident it wasn't from my
husband or I either one. On the other hand, we live in a military
town, and most of the people I know here are not particularly careful
with their language. It was bound to be added to her vocabulary
eventually. So, after asking her to tell me what she said, then
where she heard it, and not getting an answer, I decided to take the
intellectual approach.
know what kids love more than anything else? Doing the thing that is
forbidden. True story. So, it follows that if I go off the deep end
about foul language, which, let's face it, is kind of a right of
passage at some point in the journey from child to adult, what do you
think is going to seem all the more appealing? Instead, I asked my
daughter why she thought I didn't want her to say those types of
words. Her response was probably typical. She answered, “Because
it's a bad word?” I had to smile as she'd walked neatly into my
trap. “No,” I said, “There's no such thing a good words and
bad words. Words are just words. The problem is that while there's
no such thing as bad words, there are hurtful words, there are unkind
words, and there are rude words.” I had her attention now, so I
continued, “The word you said is considered really rude by most
people. If you want people to think you're rude, than that word is
one that is pretty sure to make them think that. The other issue is
that words like that? Those words are words that people say when
they are frustrated or trying to be mean , usually because they
can't think of something more intelligent to say. When you use those
words, what you're telling everyone around you is that you aren't
smart enough to think of something clever to say instead. Do you
want to present yourself as someone who isn't smart enough to say
anything besides rude or unkind words?” Of course, her response
was negative. No one wants to be perceived as less than intelligent.
I went on to explain that I wasn't angry, but she has a choice about
how she wants to present herself. I, of course, would prefer that
she obey our house rules and use kind words. For now, she would,
too. I'm sure this is the first of many discussions about language.
now I ask again, how would you have handled this situation? Do you
censor your language in front of your kids? Do you think assigning
the name “bad words” gives the behavior power? I'd love to hear
your thoughts and experiences.
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